I know I haven't posted in forever and many of you are probably wondering what is going on. Maternity leave will do that to you. My due date, May 15th, came and went as I expected, so my doctor scheduled an induction date for May 20th. But instead, Caleb decided to come on his own. I will give the full story soon, when I have more time.

For now, here are a couple pictures and the stats!
Caleb Joseph,
born Tuesday, May 18th at 6:12 pm.
7 pounds, 8 ounces,
20 inches long.
We are doing good, still getting used to the new addition to our family. Brendan especially is having quite the adjustment to a new baby around.
Thank you all for your thoughts are prayers for our family, I will try to get back into the blogging scene again soon!
Congrats Rachie & Scott! He's beautiful. I really think he looks a lot like Scott. But didn't Brendan start out like that too? Can't wait to meet him. Our boys are exactly 3 mos apart! Brendan looks like he likes having the baby around or at least most of the time from the pics. He looks like he loves the baby. It'll probably take some time for him to realize the baby is staying forever. Congrats again! Love you!
Congrats! Having two boys is quite an adventure! I like to call it my extreme sport! Ohhh, I should use that in a blog! Get some sleep!
Congrats, Keys family! He is precious!
Thanks for the pictures :) He's adorable! I hope to meet him someday!
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