Is there anything more exciting in life than Babies? 2010 has been the year of babies for me and my friends. I had 7, count them
SEVEN new babies in my life for 2010. Who doens't love all these new babies??
It started when our cousin (okay,

Scott’s cousin’s wife,
but I call her my cousin) called me up last October and told me that she was pregnant and due only 2 days after me (May 17th). I was excited that our babies would be born close together. This was her first and I am very excited for Kevin and Holly and their family. I did tell everyone that she would have her baby before me. Sure enough, Holly went into labor on my last day of work. Beautiful Owen was born on May 8th. I never did get a picture of us pregnant together, and forgot to get a picture of our boys together, born 10 days apart. But I did steal a picture off her facebook for you to see Owen.

Next of course was Caleb, born on May 18th, only 3 days after his due date. Much better than his brother born 12 days late.

My sister’s best friend,
Bethany, was due with her second baby. She was one of the lucky few who actually had her baby on her due date! (Although the many days of labor (contractions) before delivery I am sure did not make her feel lucky.) Deacon, born on July 3rd. I got to see him for a very brief time last night, and he is really growing! What a cutie!

Our friend
Robyn was due with her first baby this week (August 4th), however, Ivy made her appearance a little early and arrived on July 22nd. I got to hold her again this week during my lunch break. Seriously, one of the prettiest babies I have ever seen.

Probably the pregnancy that I am most excited about is my
Sister. For
one, because they tried for a while before getting pregnant, two, it’s my sister, and three, they aren’t finding out the sex and I am on pins and needles waiting to find out if I have a new niece or nephew! Bekah is due on August 26th and I can hardly wait three more weeks!

My Sister-in-Law Brianna is also pregnant, and I am so excited for my new nephew due October 14th (I think). I have her baby shower next weekend and I am excited to be buying cute little boy things for her. I know my niece Elyse (8) is also excited to have a new little brother, she is going to be a great help to her mom! Pictured is Brianna on her wedding with her new husband and their kids (Elyse, Lily & Jonathan).

Finally, I believe the last baby watch of 2010 for me is my best friend.
Tawni is due on
Decemebr 21st, although there is a good chance her baby will be early. We just found out on Wednesday that she is having a boy I really couldn’t be more excited! We are going to have so much fun with our four boys together!
This is a great post and it's so true! There are a lot of 2010 babies ... it's a good year!
And there was Ethan in February!
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