Yesterday afternoon Scott called me at work to tell me our plans had changed for the evening. We were going to go sign papers for our house! The bank accepted our counter offer. The price was still more than we originally asked, but less than the listing price. They agreed to pay all closing costs and up to $1200 in termite damage. We were very excited that it went through. So last night we sat down and reviewed all the paperwork, signing our lives away. It was totally worth it! We hope the papers will be signed by the seller by the end of the week and we can start escrow right away. The goal is for the house to close by April 10th.

I am really glad that we got the bid in when we did. The seller's realtor said that he received 3 calls on the house yesterday. I know that at this point it is not finalized and something could still go wrong, but we are getting closer to being Home Owners. It is quite a step in our lives but we feel that God has really taken care of us and we can make this next move in our lives. It is exciting and yet, opening up a whole new level of stress!

I am really glad that we got the bid in when we did. The seller's realtor said that he received 3 calls on the house yesterday. I know that at this point it is not finalized and something could still go wrong, but we are getting closer to being Home Owners. It is quite a step in our lives but we feel that God has really taken care of us and we can make this next move in our lives. It is exciting and yet, opening up a whole new level of stress!
Congratulations, Rachel!!! The house looks newer! How big is it?
Congratulations! What an exciting time for you guys!
Congratulations Rachel!!! I am sooo happy for you!
Craziness! And YAY! :o)
It's sooo cute! Now you can spread out and Brendan can crawl all over his new digs!
Wow! Congrats! We are hoping to make a purchase before our next little one comes in September!!!
Wow! Congrats! We are hoping to make a purchase before our next little one comes in September!!!
Congratulations! Let us know when you move in! (PS it's Jessica Miller)
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