My due date came and went. On my due date, Saturday, May 15th, My mother took my pregnant sister and me out for pedicures. Scott stayed home with Brendan so that we could really enjoy ourselves. It was so nice to have a good foot massage and pretty toes. “I really needed this,” I thought to myself, “it has been way too long.” I began thinking back to the last time I did have a pedicure. It was last year for my sister’s birthday. We went away for a girl’s weekend and on Saturday, August 15th, we all got pedicures. How ironic. I lean over to my sister and tell her that exactly 9 months ago today was my last pedicure!
During delivery, my husband told me later that he noticed my perfectly painted toes. “While you were stressed out, sweating, in pain with fluids everywhere, your feet were up on the stirrups perfectly prim.” And that is why I got a pedicure right before having a baby, at least part of me looked good!
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