Brendan has really improved his sleeping habits lately. Right after Christmas, Scott and I realized that we needed to change something if we were every going to get a full night sleep again. He now eats rice cereal twice a day, morning and night. We put him down every night after feeding him a bottle at 9:30. Sometimes he will go to sleep around 8:30, but we still wake him up to eat at 9:30 every night. And we always get him up at the same time every morning, 6:30. Scott is better than me about getting him up at the same time, I would prefer to sleep as long as possible...
We are now going on night 5 of Brendan not waking up AT ALL! Two weeks of him going at least 4 1/2 hours between eating at night. I am so happy to actually sleep for longer periods of time. The only thing that now worries me, is when I wake up in the middle of the night, or really early in the morning, and realize I have not heard a peek from my baby. Terrible thoughts go through my head and I sneak a peek in his crib to make sure everything is okay.
Brendan has also been really good about going to sleep when he is suppose to. For evening at naps, I will give him his blanket and lay him down in his crib. Once in a while he will cry for a couple minutes before falling asleep. But most of the time, Brendan will take his blanket, wad it up, roll onto his tummy, and sleep on top of his blanket. It is just a tiny little blanket which I am thankful for because he also likes to cover his face with it, or bunch it up and lay face down on the blanket. I am so worried that he is going to suffocate himself and am always pulling blankets away from his face.
All in all, I am very proud that he goes to sleep so easily now and sleeps for longer periods of time. Even nap time is getting to be longer instead of short cat naps of a 1/2 hour. When I go in to check on him, I fin him in the most peculiar positions. Usually, face down. Here are a couple of pictures of him sleeping. I have no idea how he gets in these positions, I always lay him down on his back facing the rails...

The one of him with the cow on his back is really funny! Ella did the same thing.
He is so stinkin adorable! :o)
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