Last week, Brendan hit 10-months-old. My baby is growing so fast! Well actually, he isn't really growing that quickly, he is a little small for his age, but he is developing like crazy! I know he will be walking before I know it!
I missed the 9-month update, so I will make sure to add as much information as I can for the past couple months. You can pretty much count Easter as our 9 month. I do have a BUNCH of pictures this month - enjoy!
Enjoying a snack at Pat & Oscars before Grandma had to leave. Brendan's favorite toy is our Cell phones. We have given him his very own cell phone that he can chew on and throw as much as he want! I love this picture and how well he sit up in the high chair. It makes eating out so nice that he can sit and be a part of the dinner table with us. While we were moving, Brendan had a great time crawling in and out of empty cupboards, this one in the hall was the perfect size to play in. Now that we are at the new house, he is into EVERYTHING. Next weekend, we baby proof all cupboards!
Like I said in an earlier post, Brendan is feeding himself now, and has been for quite some time. Many times, he wont eat it when I try to feed it to him, but will eat it off his tray. At dinner time, we are teaching Brendan that we have dinner together as a family. He will eat off of our plates. Last night he had salmon and mashed potatoes off Daddy's plate. Brendan loves when Steve comes over. Steve was in our wedding but moved oversees shortly after for Missions. He is now back in the area and and has been spending a lot of time with Scott and Brendan loves to play with Steve!

Other updates include Brendan's trip to Disneyland this weekend,I'm not sure but I think he enjoyed the Winnie the Pooh Ride. Bath Time is still very enjoyable. He now has his boats to play with in the tub. And usually Daddy will sit on the edge of the tub and play for a while. Brendan's personality has really come though, he cracks himself up! In the mornings, his favorite game is to roll over and quickly crawl away as soon as the diaper is off. Once he gets just out of reach, he starts laughing hysterically! I really should try to get it on video.
Brendan loves the TV, or at least the noises coming from it, he gets a little bored with it after a few minutes, that's the ADD he inherited from Mommy. The other morning I turned on Disney's Baby Einstein while I got ready for work. I think I have seen something like this before.... That's Right! From my favorite Childhood movie: 101 Dalmatians, 1961.

Brendan has dropped down to about 2 naps per day, late morning and early afternoon. Each nap is about 1-2 hours long. He is sleeping through the night, which he has done for a while, but he sleeps for much longer now. We have moved his bed-time to about 8:30 since he no longer takes a late afternoon nap, for the past few nights, he has slept from 8:30 PM to 6:45 AM. I must admit, I do wake up in the morning a little worried since I haven't heard him yet, but the sleep has been wonderful! Here is Brendan having his bottle in his Boppy. I can't believe how much he has grown. See the same boppy at 2 weeks old.

So there is our baby boy! Less than 2 months from being a year old! I better get planning a birthday party.....
He is growing fast! They all do! I can't believe Jackson is 18 months old now! Isn't so convenient when they start feeding themselves? Messy. But convenient!
Oh, I miss him sooooo much!!!
That was great, it was like spending a day with Brendan. Six more weeks until I get to play with him. I can hardly wait.
Awww... I love the side by side of the last two... He's such a little man now!
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