The I found some one's Blog. Adventures in Babywearing. In this blog, Stephanie talks about her life as a mother of 4, the youngest one is about a month behind Brendan, and she carries her everywhere, in a sling. They call it: Babywearing, because you basically wear your baby.
Although the thought intrigued me, I wasn't about to pay $45.00 or more on a baby sling. Then a saw a one-day-sale on a Slingling Baby Sling. It was on, their motto is "Get hooked on one hot deal at a time Grab it before it disappears!" The slingling was only $19.99. So I bought one, I though I would try it out, and if Brendan didn't like it, I could just save it for my next baby. (I had heard that if you don't use it from the beginning, they wont like it.)
Friday afternoon, my sling arrived in the mail. I love it! I used it all weekend, I will never go back! It was so nice having Brendan right there without killing my arms. I wire him on my side, which he preferred. But when he started to get tired, I moved him to face me and once he quit squirming, he fell asleep on my chest, while I was still able to push the stroller (that he wouldn't ride in).
What a great product! I would defiantly recommend the sling to anyone with a baby (no matter how old your baby is. If you know how to sew, I have heard these are extremely easy to make, and make a wonderful gift! Unfortunately for me, I can't make my own, so I will have to deal with only having one sling. At least it is washable!
Thank you Stephanie for opening my eyes to Babywearing, go check out her blog if you get a chance.
And thank you Mama Bargains for having such a great price on the Slingling!
Oh what a great story! I'm so glad!!! These are great photos, too!
Hi there! Found your blog through Stephanie's. I just started wearing my second baby. I love it too! I need a bit more practice, and want to try more but will have to be content because they ARE pricey! Anyway, just thought I'd say hello. Thanks for sharing your babywearing story!
Hooray for the sling, but I want to hear more about the second baby!
I'm on baby #4...and we love babywearing!! My youngest is 7 months and we never go out without the sling. My next youngest is almost 3 and he sometimes uses the sling, too, if he is clingy and I NEED to get dinner on the table. We've tried various slings and carriers and found that pouch slings like what you have are the most comfortable for us.
I gave away a sling on my blog in February and I will be doing another giveaway for one this summer...
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