I just realized that the title of my posts have been the week that I just completed. So I am technically now in my 11th week of pregnancy, but I guess it doesn't really matter! Oh well, just a random thought from the pregnant lady.
I told my work today that I was pregnant. I really wanted to do something cute to tell them all. I had this great idea to take a box and make it look like an oven, then bring in freshly baked sticky buns or something and have a sign that said "Bun in the Oven". But I never took the time to make a cute box, and I'm really not feeling up to baking sticky buns in the morning, I can barley roll out of bed in time to make it into work. So instead, I brought them a box of donuts! I think they were just as happy! I send everyone in my office an e-mail, which was nice for me to keep it low key and not have the awkward moment standing in the office announcing it to everyone while they all stare at me trying to decide what to say without asking personal questions like "Was it planned" which then eludes to my sex life with my husband. Instead I got a few nice e-mails back with a simple "Congratulations! Thanks for the donuts!" Success!

So now, I have posted the news on my blog, called my family and closest friends, told work, gave permission to my father to tell the church, and my lovely husband has posted the news on facebook (the day I told him I guess we didn't have to keep it a secret anymore). So our news is out there for those who care.
Overall, I am feeling pretty well. I am nearing the end of my first trimester. So far I have made it through the pregnancy without throwing up once. I am uncomfortable at night, but I know this is only the beginning! I did make my husband buy me a Pumpkin Pie milkshake last weekend from Jack-in-the-Box. I told him the baby was craving a milkshake. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it! :) I can't believe how quickly the pregnancy is going this time. I felt like I was in the first trimester forever with Brendan, this one is flying by.
I know it sounds silly, but I can't wait to get into my maternity clothes again. It is like a new wardrobe just sitting at the top of my closet waiting to be worn! Pretty soon I'm sure, for now, most of my work clothes still fit and a couple jeans I can still wear. I bought a couple of Maternity dresses that I am excited to wear once I start showing. I told Scott this weekend I just look like I have a beer gut, he looked at me and tried to find a way to make me feel better, truth is, I don't quite look pregnant yet, I just look a little thick around the middle. I try to wear more empire waisted shirts to accentuate my middle.
Other than that, life is as normal. Scott and I are both pretty busy with work, friends, church activities, and family outings. Brendan is getting into everything which keeps us on our toes, but we are loving every moment!
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