Friday, September 3

This week was a little stressful for me. For one, it was the first week of school, which always creates a lot of work (and stress) for me as we try to wrap up the previous semester and start a new one, all while students, staff and faculty breathing down your neck for something they need "Right NOW!". **sigh**

Beyond the stress at work, Scott was sick all weekend and into the week, which meant that I was trying extremely hard not to get sick (not a good time to miss work) and keep my boys healthy and away from dad as much as possible. This also meant a lot more work for me of dealing with the boys myself as well as trying to be sympathetic to a sick (and whiny) husband.

Meanwhile, my house is in disarray and I have limited energy to do anything about it.

Like I said, stressful week for me. I called my best friend on my way home from work one day to complain to her (she always has a great listening ear). "I just want to be home alone, without the boys, just by myself for just a few hours."

And then it dawned on me, I am never alone. The closest I get to being "alone" is when Scott works late or is out with friends and both boys are asleep. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, LOVE having two young boys...but sometimes I just desire for it to be me...


Auntie Wiesow's Ramblings said...

I feel the same way sometimes. I hardly ever go out without Ethan. I've found that most husbands don't even think twice about taking the time they need, but mom's just can't do it. When we do we feel guilty for taking the time. Maybe once Scott's feeling better you can go out for a girls night out. Love you!

Witness My Fitness said...

I totally know how you feel. I get up before the sun is up (between 5 and 5:30am) to get a few minutes of alone time. I know you probably get up at that time anyway in order to make it to work. I will pray that you get that much needed alone time, even if that means your hubby taking the kids for a few hours. That is seriously important to have as a mom.