Well Brendan turned 8 months this weekend, maybe it was because February was a short month but I feel like I just wrote his 7 month post. But in one short month, Brendan has been developing like crazy! We started the 7th month with him just really mastering crawling, now he is all over the house, following me around back and forth through our hallway. He has learned to pull himself to a standing position and now can move around the coffee table while standing.

This weekend has not been fun for us though. Brendan's first tooth came through on Friday. Finally! He has been drooling and chewing on his fingers like crazy for months now and one finally broke through. I htink another one is not far behind because he is still miserable!

I just love that picture even though he looks so pathetic! Now that Brendan has been sitting up so well, and NEVER stops moving, he doesn't fit in our baby tub any more (and hasn't for a while). So now Brendan gets to bathe in the Big-boy tub. He loves his rubber duckies. Even though he has about 8 of them in the tub with him, he always wants the one just out of reach! It is so cute how he tries to pick them all all up at once! And of course, Rubber Duckies taste WONDERFUL!

We are very excited for Brendan as he learns new things. As he gets older, we become more and more tired at the end of the day! I hope teething passes soon! Until then, I rely on his cuteness to get me by!

He sure is cute. The most adorable baby there is. Bath time looks fun, I can't wait until I get to bathe him. Have you seen beautiful eyes like that, I have, about 25 years ago. I love you my grandson.
8 months! Holy cow Brendan, you are growing up too fast!
I swear I cute just eat him he is so cute!
If you're relying on his cuteness to get you by, you'll be getting by for quite some time!!
I can't believe he's old enough to have teeth and be pulling himself around the coffee table.
I'm pretty sure somebody got a video camera for Christmas - hint hint.
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