Everyone warned me that buying a house can be a nightmare. Although it hasn't been
too stressful, there has been a test to my pittance as we sit and wait for "them" to complete the processes, as well as a lot of paperwork. Not only have we been working with a realtor, but I had to work with a bank to get my down payment for the house accessible. Here has been the break down so far...
- Sat, Feb 14th - Met our Realtor (John) and started looking at houses.
- Sun, Feb 15th - Rich called to get information about financial status of Pre-approval.
- Sun, Feb 15th - Sent list to John of what houses we wanted to see.
- Mon, Feb 16th - Received loan pre-approval & letter from Rich.
- Mon, Feb 16th 12:30 pm- Found the house we wanted.
- Mon, Feb 16th 3:30 pm - Completed paperwork to put offer on house.
- Thur, Feb 19th - Called Laura at BofA to work with money transfer
- Thur, Feb 19th - Spoke with Parents of BofA, was told I should be working with Gail not Laura.
- Fri, Feb 20th - Spoke with Gail, she confirmed she was handling the account
- Sat, Feb 21st - Gail sent letter of authorization to be signed, signed and returned form
- Mon, Feb 23rd - Confirmed Gail received letter, said she didn't think anything else was needed.
- Wed, Feb 25th - E-mailed Gail asking for info on account & when the check will be sent. Sent Jan statement of account, "check should go out Friday"
- Wed, Feb 25th 6:00pm - Meet with John to sign papers to open Escrow. Papers are filled out with incorrect names by seller's agent.
- Thur, Feb 26th - Gail e-mailed, ooops, need another signature and copy of Drivers License. Faxed signature and DL to Gail.
- Thur, Feb 26th - Ooops, last name is different, now BofA needs copy of Marriage Certificate.
- Fri, Feb 27th - Faxed copy of Marriage Certificate. Not THAT fax number, use a different one! - Re-faxed Marriage Certificate.
- Mon, Mar 2nd - Home sick with Brendan, received check in the mail.
- Wed, Mar 4th - Called Rich who is working with our house loan, he gave list of required documents needed.
- Wed, Mar 4th 6:00pm - Met with John again to fill out paperwork again. Last name still not correct.
- Thur, Mar 5th - Sent to Rich: copy of DL & SSC, Current pay stubs, W-2's from 2008 & 2007, copy of tax returns, Bank statements.
- Thur, Mar 5th - Rich responds, didn't get the _________ forms back. Never sent us form to fill out! Rich sends us forms that should have been completed on 2/16. Bank Account doesn't show enough money for down. You didn't tell us you needed proof of down.
- Fri, Mar 6th 11:28am - Sent proof of funds & copy of marriage cert to Rich
- Fri, Mar 6th 3:15pm - Sent required paperwork back to Rich
- Fri, Mar 6th - Appraisal of house was ordered.
- Fri, Mar 6th 6:00pm - Met with John AGAIN to sign addendum's to correct last name.
- Sat, Mar 7th - John takes us back to the house to look at again. Bekah & Kevin join us and take pictures on their camera of the inside.
- Wed, Mar 11th - E-mailed Rich to see how process was going, missing any information?
- Fri, Mar 13th - Had house inspection with Anthony & John. House looks good, no major damage. Needs a good cleaning, remove wasps nests, paint & carpet.
- Sat, Mar 14th - Received package in the mail to sign more papers for Rich.Mon, Mar 16th - Received complete eval with pictures from Anthony from House Inspection.
- Tues, Mar 17th - Escrow FINALLY opens. Now we wait some more...
- Wed, Mar 18th - Financial File was submitted for Loan Approval. More waiting.
Hurry-up and wait! We are told that our estimated closing date for Escrow is still April 10
th, I am not holding my breath since it took them so long to get the process going. I am a little nervous and I
really hope and pray that the house will close on time. I don't want to pay any extra money if it does take longer to close.
Bethany and I know all to well about this process. Good luck!
How in the world did you recall all of that?
Response to S.M.K. It's the meds, man. It makes a difference.
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