I posted on Brendan's 8th month update that he got his first tooth this past weekend. Even though the tooth finally broke through, Brendan was still unhappy and extra clingy. Yesterday evening I noticed that a
second tooth came through right next to the first. Here is my attempt to get a picture of the tooth, sorry, no video Dad. Poor baby, I know it must be really painful!

I know the teeth are hard to see, but if you click on the photo it should make it big and you can see the teeth then.
Yea, teeth. Now he can really chew. Watch out for teeth marks on everything. His mother used her crib rails as a teether.
Look out steak and pizza, Brendan's coming...
Hey there! When Micah and Caleb were really having a tough time teething, we gave them these things called teething tablets. They are homeopathic, but I call them baby crack. For some reason they seem to take the pain away. You can get them at most drugstores or Target or Walmart. It almost always worked like a charm. They just dissolve quickly in their mouth.
Thanks Alisha! we do use those teething tablets, everyone I talked to only has good things to say about them! Our daycare lady suggested them, Brendan will take them easily and they seem to help a lot!
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