Tuesday, May 12

9 Month Pictures (almost late)

Last night we went and got Brendan's 9 month pictures taken. I think they turned out okay, we got a new photographer this time and not the same one who has taken his last two sets of pictures. This girl was very nice, but had only worked there 1 week. I had a picture that I got off the Internet for 36 picture package for $4.99, you can't beat that! On the same page, there was a coupon for a free 10x13 with a note right on the coupon that said "combine witCheck Spellingh any offer!" I have used this coupon before and gotten a free 10x13 portrait. However, this time, she told me the 10x13 was already included in the package.

No it's not!

If you know me or my mother, you know that we will fight and argue with a salesperson to get what is right. (While pregnant, I started to yell at the checker at Borders when she wouldn't give me a gift receipt, totally embarrassed my husband, that's another story...) The sears photographer said that she let someone use that coupon on Saturday and got in trouble, and so she wouldn't give the 10x13 to me. I know this poor girl has only been working there for a week, but I want my free picture.

I took the coupon, on the bottom of the page, in fine print, in gray, it says "Free 10x13, in same pose, can be combined with $4.99 portrait package." She calls the other photographer that had already left for the day, who agrees with her that I don't get the picture. Finally, seeing that I am getting no where, while trying to stay patient with this girl, I tell her "I wish there was a manager or someone else I could talk to." She tells me I will have to call the corporate office.

Oh don't worry, I will call them, and I will get my Free 10x13 portrait! (I'm even getting worked up as I type this after-the-fact).

This morning, I called the corporate office to complain. The lady I spoke with acted as if there wasn't a problem, but did tell me that I should get my free 10X13, she would call Sears and let them know they need to order me another 10x13 to be included in my order.

How frustrating!!

Anyway, what you guys probably really want are the pictures! Here are the pictures we had taken last night, like I said, they turned out okay, not as good as the last, but they will do.
This one is a great one of his teeth, what a happy boy!This one Scott says: "What's-up Dawg!"I really like his eyes and mouth in these! They are not Scott's Favorite.This is the one we ended up getting, I wish it was a little closer though...I guess I should have asked if they could zoom in. Oh well, I still think he is pretty cute!


Random Thoughts said...

I love them all, but I really enjoy the 4th one down. It looks like he's saying, "Here I am, come and get me!"

Unknown said...

I think they turned out cute. I like the one you chose best. I love him :)

Rebekah said...

congratulations on sticking with it and getting what you want :)