It was not the happiest place on earth on Saturday.
As we were getting ready Scott mentioned that the park opened at 8:00 am, "but I didn't check to see if it was a block-out day for us." We both couldn't think of a reason that it would be, it wasn't a 3 day weekend, no holiday's nearby, and last Saturday Brendan and I went.
Guess what? It was a block-out day. Except, we didn't know it until we waited in ridiculous traffic just to get into the parking structure. It took us at least a half hour just to get from the signal at Ball to the parking structure. When we finally get to the front, the woman looks at our pass and tells us, "oh, today is a triple block out day, all passes are blocked out today!" When we ask if she knows why she tells us that she doesn't know, but the only thing she can think of is that some schools are starting Spring Break. I now know that every Saturday from now until the end of Summer on August 21st are blocked out.
So after a VERY FRUSTRATING entrance to the parking structure, and an extremely long line just to get into the park, we immediately were turned around to exit. I turned to Scott, "Did your dreams come true today?" Although we could not think of why we would be blocked out, apparently something was going on because everyone was at Disneyland on Saturday trying to get into the park, and not being very polite about it either.
We realize as we are leaving that Brendan will not sit in the car for too much longer and we will need to let him out and run around soon or we will all be cranky. So we drive to Angels Stadium. At this point, Spring Training has just begun in Arizona, the stadium is pretty much empty. But Scott took the opportunity to walk Brendan around his favorite teams home turf. It wasn't exciting, but it was something to do at least. We had no plans, but like to "go" on the weekends, so we made do with other "free" things we could do in Anaheim.

Daddy is excited to take his boy to Angel Baseball games this summer.
After perusing the stadium, we went to the Block at Orange which is an outdoor mall near the stadium. We started at Krispy Kreme donuts to let Brendan watch through the window and see the donuts being made. They also gave Brendan his own mini donut, it was the perfect size for him! Yes, it was a little messy, but being dirty never seems to bother my child.
What started as a frustrating trip to Disneyland, ended up being a pretty relaxing, cheap and easy day spent together. We walked around, watched the skateboarders at the skate park, let Brendan ride on a quarter helicopter ride, splashed in the fountain and just walked (ran) all over the mall.
It was a good day, despite the change in plans.
"The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men, gang aft agley." -Robert Burns

1 comment:
Sound like it was a good day after all. Brendan must be a bit like his mom, sticky mess just means that we are having fun.
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